Addressable Fire Alarm System
Addressable Fire Alarm System is made up of a series of fire detectors and devices that are connected back to a central control panel. With addressable systems, each device has an address or location, enabling the exact detector that was triggered to be quickly identified. This makes addressable alarm systems ideal for large buildings, particularly commercial premises spread over a wide area.

Advantages of addressable fire alarms
- Quickly determine the location of a fire.
- Specific actions can be programmed by the user.
- The reduced likelihood and better handling of false alarms.
- More reliability, less likely to lose connection.
- The lower overall cost of wiring.
- Ability to monitor the integrity of the system, with detector health checks.
Ideal uses for Addressable fire alarms include:
- Big area Schools with lots of Classroom
- Industrial warehouse
- Big Area Restaurants
- Apartments
- Garments Industries
- University
- Hospital
- Shopping Center

Addressable Control Panel

Addressable Siren

Addressable Detectors

Addressable Modular
Zicore Technologies Provide Best Fire Alarm Systems by finding out the customer needs. The solution is the main focus of Zicore Technologies. Zicore Technologies Have working experience with the most renowned Fire alarm Product brands: Zeta, Teletek electronics, Orion Fire System, etc.